프로필 Profile

박찬민(Park, Chan Min)
("저의 발은 개발이 아니지만, 저의 꿈은 개발입니다.")

Brief Bio.
I received the B.S. degree in Computer & Information Communications Engineering from Hongik University, Sejong City, Republic of Korea in 2014 and received M.S. degree in Information System from Graduate School of Smart City Science Management, Hongik University, Sejong City, Republic of Korea in 2016.
During M.S. degree, I have been advised by Professor Byung-Seo Kim in Hongik University.

I worked in Brunt as a software engineer. In particular, I was responsible for server and firmware development. and I also worked in Aart as a web front-end developer.
Now, I work in Birdview as a web front-end developer.

My interests include in developing of Web Applications, Serverless services, Internet of Things, and Wireless Sensor Networks.



  • 2008.03~2014.02 B.S. degree in Computer & Information Communications Engineering from Hongik University, Sejong City 30016, Republic of Korea
  • 2014.03~2016.02 M.S. degree in Information System from Graduate School of Smart City Science Management, Hongik University, Sejong City 30016, Republic of Korea
    (Master's thesis : "Ad-hoc 환경에서의 Content-Centric Network에 대한 성능 평가 및 향상에 대한 연구"("Researches on Performance Evaluation and Enhancement for Content-Centric Network in Ad-hoc Environment"))

Work Experience

  • 2015.07~2015.08 Korea Electronics Technology Institute(KETI), Intern
  • 2016.03~2016.05 DreamVisions, Intern
  • 2016.07~2017.02 Brunt
  • 2017.08~2019.08 Aart
  • 2020.01~Now Birdview


  • Refereed International Journal papers (SCI/SCIE):
    1. Chan Min Park, Rana Asif Rehman, and Byung-Seo Kim, “Packet Flooding Mitigation in CCN-based Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks for Smart Cities,” IEEE Access, Accepted in June 3rd 2017.
    2. Chan-Min Park and Byung-Seo Kim, "Interest-Selective Retransmision Protocol for Wireless Content-Centric Networks," IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E99-A,No.09,pp.1753-1757,Sep. 2016.[ISSN: 1745-1337]
  • Refereed Domestic Journal papers:
    1. Chan-Min Park and Byung-Seo Kim, "Efficient Content Delivery Method in Wireless Content-Centric Network (무선 Content-Centric Network에서 효과적인 콘텐츠 전달 방식)," Journal of Korean Society for Internet Information, Vol.18, No. 2, pp. 13-20 , April 30, 2017. [ISSN: 1598-0170]
    2. Chan-Min Park, and Byung-Seo Kim, "Method to limit the spread of Data in Wireless Content-Centric Network," IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications, Vol.11, No. 1, pp. 9-14, [ISSN: 1975-5066], February 1, 2016.
    3. Chan-Min Park, Byung-Seo Kim and Seung-Hyun Lee, "Development of Direct-Information-Sharing Mobile System between Group Members Based on Wi-Fi Direct Technology," Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting, and Communication, Vol.14, No. 3, pp. 13-19, June 30, 2014.
    4. Seung-Jin Lee, Chan-Min Park, and Byung-Seo Kim, "Research on Efficiency of Interest-Data Handshaking in Wireless Content-Centric Networks," Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting, and Communication, Vol.14, No. 2, pp. 81-86, April 30, 2014.
  • Refereed International Conference papers:
    1. Chan-Min Park, Rana Asif Rehman, Tran Dinh Hieu, and Byung-Seo Kim, "Enhanced Protocol for Wireless Content-Centric Network," Fifth International Conference on Mobile & Wireless Networks (MoWiN 2016), Vol. 6 (2016) p. 175 - 183, Vienna, Austria, May 21-22, 2016.
    2. Hong Min Bae, Chan Min Park, Shinil Suh, Rana Asif Rehman, and Byung-Seo Kim, "Performance Improvement in Beacon-Enabled LR-WPAN-based Sensor Networks," the 5th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2016), Rome Italy, February 19-21, 2016.
    3. Shinil Suh, Hong-Min Bae, Chan Min Park, and Byung-Seo Kim "IT Research Directions for the Elderly Housing," 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics: Techniques and Applications (EETA2015), Phuket, Thailand, August 23-24, 2015.
    4. Ji-Hoon Park, Chan-Min Park, Seungjin Lee, and Byung-Seo Kim, "Interference Resolution Method for IEEE802.15.4-based Wireless Sensor Networks," The 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Spring 2014), Seoul, Korea, May 18-21, 2014.
  • Refereed Domestic Conference papers:
    1. Bae Hong Min, Seo Sin Il, Park Chan Min, Rana Asif Rehman, and Byung-Seo Kim , "고령자 주거환경을 위한 건축설계에 대한 IT 기술의 접근방법 연구," 2015년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주도, 6.24~6.26. 2015.
    2. Rana Asif Rehman, Chan-Min Park, and Byung-Seo Kim , "Enhanced Routing Protocol for Multihop Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks," 2015년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술대회, 제주도, 6.24~6.26. 2015.
    3. Chan-Min Park, and Byung-Seo Kim , "콘텐츠 전송 기반의 무선망에서 MAC Address를 이용한 Data 확산 감소 방법," 2015년도 한국인터넷정보학회 춘계학술발표대회, 강원도, 강릉, 5.01~5.02. 2015.
  • Patents
    1. 박찬민, 이승진, 김병서, "CCN에서 Interest Packet을 통한 콘텐츠 요청 방법 (Method to request data packets by using interest packet in CCN)" (Korea Patent Number:10-1607429 , Date: 03-23-2015)
    2. 박찬민, 김병서, "CCN에서 MAC ADDRESS LIST를 이용한 DATA PACKET 확산 범위 감소 방법 (Method to reduce the spread of Data Packet using MAC address List in CCN)" (Korea Patent Number: 10-1597073, Date: 02-17-2016)
    3. 박찬민, 김병서, "무선 CCN에서 중간 노드에서의 병행적 콘텐츠 중계 방법 (Method to Relay in Parallel at an Intermediate Node in Wireless CCN)" (Korea Patent Number: 10-1726128, Date: 04-05-2017)


  • Web Front-end Developement (especially HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • AWS(Amazon Web Services)
  • Internet of Things
  • Smart City
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Content-Centric Networks
  • NS-3(Network Simulator)

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